Sunday, October 31, 2010
By the way...
You Guys ROCK!! Thanks (again) for helping out with your pics and making this place grow!
By the way...
You Guys ROCK!! Thanks (again) for helping out with your pics and making this place grow!
The Norton Junkyard Dog...
Taken in the back shop of out a local salvage yard/bike shop. The owner built this for his girlfriend. As seen in a previous post.
The Norton Junkyard Dog...
Taken in the back shop of out a local salvage yard/bike shop. The owner built this for his girlfriend. As seen in a previous post.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Perawatan Busi
Periksalah busi 1.000 km pertamadan setiap 3.000 km selanjutnya. Ganti busi setiap 6.000 kmMengabaikan perawatan busi akan mengakibatkan mesin sukar dihidupkan dan berkurang tenaganya.Bila busi digunakan dalam waktu yang cukup lama, elektroda sedikit demi sedikit akan aus terbakar dan akan terjadi endapan arang di sekitar bagian dalam busi.Sesuai
Perawatan Rantai sepeda motor suzuki
Demi keamanan pengendara, periksalah selalu kondisi dan setelan rantai sebelum memakai sepeda motor. Pada pelaksanaan pemeriksaan berkala, pada tiap 1.000 km, periksalah kondisi kemungkinan kerusakan rantai berikut ini :1. Pin kendor atau terlepas 2. Mata rantai rusak. 3. Mata rantai macet atau oblak 4. Melampaui batas pemakaian atau aus 5. Setelan
Ganti Motor Starter SMASH
Motor starter atau awam lebih mengenalnya dengan dinamo starter, sangat membantu kemudahan untuk menghidupkan mesin. Pada kondisi bagaimana pun, motor dapat dihidupkan dengan menekan tombol
Tips Penggantian Oli Mesin Suzuki New Shogun 125, ( FL 125 )
Suzuki New Shogun 125 yang mengadopsi mesin tipe FL 125 telah mendapat beberapa penyempurnaan pada dapur pacunya. Antara lain, minimnya getaran dan bunyi mesin, perpindahan gigi yang sempurna, peningkatan performa mesin, irit bahan bakar dan rendah emisi gas buang. Untuk mendukung kelancaran kinerja teknologi pada mesin ini, dianjurkan untuk melakukan
Panduan Aman Berkendara Sepeda Motor Suzuki
Kecepatan dan Jarak HentiBila pengendara sepeda motor ingin menghentikan kendaraannya, pengendara menarik atau menginjak pedal rem. Tapi kendaraan pastinya tidak akan langsung berhenti namun butuh jarak lebih jauh dari titik pengendara tadi mengerem. Jarak ini disebut jarak berhenti. Jarak berhenti artinya jarak yang dibutuhkan kendaraan untuk berhenti
2010 New Street Triple R - Specs and Price - Triumph Motorcyvle
2010 New Triumph Street Triple R come with many features,this bike powered with DOCH and 3 cylinder.. yeah it's awesome and also with 12 valve !!, for more better performance, 2010 new triumph street triple r used liquid-cooled. The New Triumph Street Triple R engine is strong enough with 675cc of engine displacement, it's fuel injection bike !!, so about performace? well, triumph motorcycles
Motorcycle Stand style and model
Motorcycle stand is one of the important motorcycles part or accessories for all motorcycles owner, it's the simple thing that we must have it. A lot of motorcycle stand, you can see a variant motorcycle stand style and model at motorcycles accessories store.. so which is better for our motorcycles? well i thing it's just about favorite style only..
It's Vortex motorcycles front stand
It's Vortex motorcycles front stand
Friday, October 29, 2010
Servis Karburator
JANGAN SERING DIBONGKAR 2010-10-15 21:49:13 Bongkar karburator udah jadi ritual wajib saat servis. Tapi, kata Erwin Oey, mekanik Honda Aries Motor, ritual ini tak usah kerap dilakukan. Ada cara lebih efektif dan mudah."Servis karbu sampai bongkar cuma diperlukan jika ada jalur bensin mampet. Dan,
New Smash 110 VS Smash Titan 115
Melebihi New Smash & Setara Shogun 125 Ada anggapan sinis terhadap harga motor segmen low underbone yang kerap dikaitkan dengan produk paket murah. Ada kesan, biar harganya terjangkau beberapa bagian komponen terpaksa dipangkas atau diturunkan kualitasnya. Bahkan desain yang disodorkan pun ala kadarnya. Ah..,
Rantai Keteng Shogun 125
Bisa Boros Rp 400 Ribu Karet kolor kendur paling kedodoran. Tapi, lain ceritanya kalau rantai keteng alias cam chain yang kendur di Suzuki Shogun 125 dan dibiarkan, siap-siap aja keluar duit lebih dari Rp 400 ribu. Penyakitnya menjalar karena bisa sampai kruk-as. Akan menghemat kalau sudah lebih dulu ganti
Piston Smash di Spin 125
Modal Rp 34 Ribu! Banyak pengguna Suzuki Spin 125 penasaran untuk meningkatkan akselerasi. Misalnya Triyoga Arya yang suka bongkar Spin 125 sendiri. “Ternyata ukuran piston Spin sama dengan Smash. Sama-sama ukuran 53,5 mm. Cuma beda bentuk di bagian atas aja,” kata Yoga."Karena bagian atas
Suzuki Spin 125
Cegah Kabel Spido Putus Kabel spidometer Suzuki Spin 125 gampang putus. Kejadian begini biasa terjadi pada pemakaian kisaran di atas 7.000 km. “Teman-teman di Spinner ngalamin pas di 11.000 km ke atas. Sampai sekarang masih terus dilacak anggota klub Spinner,” beber Dwi Indra ‘Black’ Saputra,
Karburator Vakum
Kenali Dua Penyakit Utama Masalah di karburator vakum bisa dirasakan saat melintir grip gas. Ada ciri utama waktu throttle diurut dan menunjukan bagian mana yang bermasalah. Kalau diambil secara umum, penyakit karbu vakum ada dua. “Akibat pegas (gbr. 1) dan karet membran (gbr. 2). Biasanya karbu yang sering
Jangan Lupakan Terminal Aki yang ditulis accu atau baterai sumber listrik dan gas yang mudah terbakar. Sifat ini yang bikin pabrikan motor menyimpan aki di tempat aman. Karena tempatnya tersembunyi membuat kita malas ngecek. Padahal aki butuh perawatan yang mudah. Tak sesulit mengurus aki-aki, alias orang uzur.Indikasi aki tekor terlihat
Reader Ride. Sweet Triumph Scrambler From Italy.
The pictures are on the small side but the bike is sweet. Thank You Mario Spatarella
Reader Ride. Sweet Triumph Scrambler From Italy.
The pictures are on the small side but the bike is sweet. Thank You Mario Spatarella
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Puch Magnum "Cafe Racer?"
Insane little moped. There was a 2 or 3 year window where I would have killed for a scoot like this.
Puch Magnum "Cafe Racer?"
Insane little moped. There was a 2 or 3 year window where I would have killed for a scoot like this.
Honda CBR250RR Motorbike in My opinion
Honda CBR250RR Motorbike is the latest sport fairing motorcycle from Honda, in my opinion, a lot of the new things from this Honda motorcycle. Design of honda cbr250rr is very fresh, it's mean you will get the New CBR design, you can see here on CBR250RR picture.
2011 Honda CBR250RR Motorbike powered with DOCH engine and single cylinder, not so special for me, but it's mean Honda must sell this
2011 Honda CBR250RR Motorbike powered with DOCH engine and single cylinder, not so special for me, but it's mean Honda must sell this
Modifikasi Mio Sporty
Results of the modification mio sporti appeared in the contest by seizing several champions in various event, the specification modif: the front Tyre 120/14, the Tyre Behind 140/14, disc brakes belakan double the right Disc - left, all body original in the substitute full custom, cover crangkas brembo, the Consul box, the spy custom, cover the hub cap, handled adjustable from contest.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Reader Submittal...
A truly excellent historical photograph.. This is Richard H. O'Loughlin Sr. Boston Mass State Police 1935 Indian Scout. He was a member of the Massachusetts (Mass) State Police. He retired badge number one many years ago and past many years ago as well.Sent in by his grandson.! Thanks Again Richard! Fantastic pic!
Reader Submittal...
A truly excellent historical photograph.. This is Richard H. O'Loughlin Sr. Boston Mass State Police 1935 Indian Scout. He was a member of the Massachusetts (Mass) State Police. He retired badge number one many years ago and past many years ago as well.Sent in by his grandson.! Thanks Again Richard! Fantastic pic!
Reader Rides. Fantastic 2-Stroke Repli Racers!
Keith Montgomery sendt in a bunch of pics (some already in an earlier post) including these nice Aprilia and Honda Repli Racers Fantastic Stuff!1996 Aprilia RS250 "Reggianni" colors- one of my all time favorite bikes to own and ride.1993 NSR250 SPNice shop too..
Reader Rides. Fantastic 2-Stroke Repli Racers!
Keith Montgomery sendt in a bunch of pics (some already in an earlier post) including these nice Aprilia and Honda Repli Racers Fantastic Stuff!1996 Aprilia RS250 "Reggianni" colors- one of my all time favorite bikes to own and ride.1993 NSR250 SPNice shop too..
honda cbr250r specification - 2011 Honda Motorcycles
Here is The New 2011 Honda CBR250R. Today, i found the latest honda cbr250r specification from Honda Official website. "Honda CBR 250R" will release in many country as like U.S.A, U.K, Italy, France, Canada, Japan, Australia and more.. Thailand the 1st country that released the Honda CBR250R. Okay.. check this out the latest cbr250r specs information from world honda.
honda cbr250r specification
honda cbr250r specification
Reader Two-For-One And An Update On A Previously Posted Tracker.
Mike C Writes in with a nice Wanderlust Ducati and an unfortunate update on his wicked SR500 Tracker!I had a look at some recent snaps thought you might like this for your ' Wanderlust ' bit.It was taken a few weeks back by my buddy Rick H. outside of Rangely Lake NH.The bike is my ' 98 748 with an 853 kit (among other mods) and 106,000km. on the clock.The photo gives no warning of the hour and a
Reader Two-For-One And An Update On A Previously Posted Tracker.
Mike C Writes in with a nice Wanderlust Ducati and an unfortunate update on his wicked SR500 Tracker!I had a look at some recent snaps thought you might like this for your ' Wanderlust ' bit.It was taken a few weeks back by my buddy Rick H. outside of Rangely Lake NH.The bike is my ' 98 748 with an 853 kit (among other mods) and 106,000km. on the clock.The photo gives no warning of the hour and a
Spin 125 Ganti Paha Ayam Mio
Rem belakang Suzuki Spin 125 yang dianggap kurang pakem, melahirkan banyak ide. Salah satunya sudah diterapkan komunitas Spinner Jakarta. Modalnya, mengganti paha ayam rem teromol pakai punya Yamaha Mio yang lebih panjang 2 cm. Awas, jangan keliru comot paha ayam dari warteg. Apalagi comot paha cewek yang lagi jalan. Wuuu..itu sih bukannya nambah pakem, tapi malah bonyok digebukin
Suzuki Spin 125 Pakem Pakai Kampas RX-King
Problem rem belakang Suzuki Spin 125 kurang pakem juga dialami Triyoga. Warga Kelapa Dua, Jakarta Barat ini langsung berpikiran ganti kampas. “Sudah coba beberapa kampas dari motor lain. Tapi, tetap masih kurang, akhirnya pakem setelah pakai punya Yamaha RX-King,” kata karim. Harga komponen ini di toko onderdil tidak mahal. Cuma Rp 24.500. Tapi, kampas rem RX-King lebih besar dibanding punya
Tips & Trik Suzuki Spin 125
Fungsi kabel gas adalah untuk mengontrol dan mengatur putaran mesin sesuai keinginan pengendaranya. Pada Suzuki Spin 125, kabel gas sangat penting mendapatkan perhatian khusus. Karena, pada tipe skutik khususnya Suzuki pin 125, mesin langsung dihubungkan ke roda belakang melalui V-Belt. Dengan demikian, apabila putaran gas dibuka, otomatis roda belakang bergerak dan motor akan
Perawatan Fungsi Rem Belakang Suzuki Spin 125
Rem merupakan piranti yang sangat vital bagi semua kendaraan. Begitu pula pada skuter matik Suzuki Spin 125 cc. Ada 2 fungsi pengereman pada skutik ini, yakni rem depan yang menggunakan disc brake dan rem belakang yang masih menggunakan drum brake. Pada edisi kali ini, kita akan membahas perawatan rutin fungsi rem belakang Suzuki Spin 125. Menurut
MODIFIKASI Suzuki Spin 125 2009 | X-Treem Harian
Consumer willingness modikator as desired. Yes, make motors that remain eligible for MODIF daily. Not just contezt! That proved Raynaldo Handoko on Bobby's Suzuki Spin 125, consumers who live in areas Tembalang Diponegoro University, Semarang, Central Java."Demand Bobby was like that. Not merely good in appearance, but also comfortable to wear daily, "says the owner of BJM Modified
Suzuki Spin 125 Pasang Lampu Senja
Lampu di cover depan Suzuki Spin 125 terkesan mubazir. Itu karena hanya digunakan untuk lampu sein. Padahal dimensinya cukup besar. Hal ini yang membuat Karim mekanik Suzuki Arjosari Malang kepikiran menambah lampu senja atau lampu kecil. “Caranya gampang tapi efeknya terasa. Motor lebih keren dan semakin terlihat jelas di malam hari,” kata Karim sang mekanik. Kalau mau ikut pasang ayo.
Suzuki Celebrates A Championship And Overall Successful AMA Road Racing SeasonOctober 7, 2010American Suzuki Motor Corp. is proud to congratulate all of the racers who took the powerful GSX-R lineup of motorcycles to the top of the AMA Pro Road Racing circuit in 2010, including Martin Cardenas who earned the Daytona SportBike Championship aboard his GSX-R600. Suzuki had a great 2010 and
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Reader Ride. Nice CB350 WERA Special. More Smiles Per Mile...
James Walker Writes in:Hi there, ran across your site the other day and figured i'd send you a pic of my ride. when people ask i tell 'em she's a '71 CB350, but much like the Johnny Cash song she's a '69, '70, '71, '72.....I currently race her with WERA in the 350 and 500 GP classes. Love your site, BTW. Thanks, James Thanks James. These bikes must be the funnest "bang for the buck" way there
Reader Ride. Nice CB350 WERA Special. More Smiles Per Mile...
James Walker Writes in:Hi there, ran across your site the other day and figured i'd send you a pic of my ride. when people ask i tell 'em she's a '71 CB350, but much like the Johnny Cash song she's a '69, '70, '71, '72.....I currently race her with WERA in the 350 and 500 GP classes. Love your site, BTW. Thanks, James Thanks James. These bikes must be the funnest "bang for the buck" way there
Reader Ride... Old School CZ from the Czech Republic!
James From Czechoslovak sends in his oldschool CZ 175 1962 dirtbike.He writes in: Hi, my name is James and I come from the Czech Republic. I love old bikes and retro style. I prefer motorcycles manufactured in Czechoslovakia (Jawa, CZ). I really like your site. Every day, like watching pictures of bikes all over the world. I decided to also donate their bike. Not original, but built of
Reader Ride... Old School CZ from the Czech Republic!
James From Czechoslovak sends in his oldschool CZ 175 1962 dirtbike.He writes in: Hi, my name is James and I come from the Czech Republic. I love old bikes and retro style. I prefer motorcycles manufactured in Czechoslovakia (Jawa, CZ). I really like your site. Every day, like watching pictures of bikes all over the world. I decided to also donate their bike. Not original, but built of
Nortonn VR880 Commando.
I actually think it's overdone a little but what the heck.... It's "making the rounds" lately. I'm not really a huge fan of HDR photography either. Seems overdone lately...
Nortonn VR880 Commando.
I actually think it's overdone a little but what the heck.... It's "making the rounds" lately. I'm not really a huge fan of HDR photography either. Seems overdone lately...
MODIFIKASI Honda Vario CBS 2010
MODIFIKASI Honda Vario CBS 2010
In photo shoots, body modifiers bongsor, Kindness 'Big' Rahmanto says, since recent years enthusiasts modif fixed. "However, most of the area. Comparison 80: 20 with Jakarta, "said boss Big Modification (BM) is
One of them belonging to Muhammad Kamaruzzaman CBS Vario aka Memet. The man who located on Jl. Hero Cemetery, Baiturrahman Mosque, Banda Aceh, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD) has a high taste matter modification.
"Mas Budi, please made Honda Vario my good. As has appeared in MOTOR Plus, "brief to the Big Memet as revealed through long-distance line-Pisangan Old Banda Aceh, East Jakarta.
Memet TTM task given the alias without face to face to the Big proceed with sending a skubek to outlets BM. "I never met face to Memet," I'm Big
According to Big, the focus of modification on CBS Vario Memet on staining and the turn around the legs. "Basic color purple (purple). I added violet pink to give an elegant effect, "explained the father of two children.
Big just add a body kit on the front. Sepatbor, headlamp shell, left-right tebeng everything is plate. "To give effect given sweet chrome accents on the left-right. As well as in sein, "added Big.
The use of disc brakes perati Ninja 150 on the back of the changing technologies owned by this Vario. "Automatic his CBS released, was not functioning," close this Yudes husband.
Well lo? CBS appliances not so whiz Vario latest generation. This is why even removed?
Rear tire: 160/60-14 Michelin
Rims: OG Wheel
Speedometer: zero
Muffler: Big Modification
Spion: Big Modification
In photo shoots, body modifiers bongsor, Kindness 'Big' Rahmanto says, since recent years enthusiasts modif fixed. "However, most of the area. Comparison 80: 20 with Jakarta, "said boss Big Modification (BM) is
One of them belonging to Muhammad Kamaruzzaman CBS Vario aka Memet. The man who located on Jl. Hero Cemetery, Baiturrahman Mosque, Banda Aceh, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD) has a high taste matter modification.
"Mas Budi, please made Honda Vario my good. As has appeared in MOTOR Plus, "brief to the Big Memet as revealed through long-distance line-Pisangan Old Banda Aceh, East Jakarta.
Memet TTM task given the alias without face to face to the Big proceed with sending a skubek to outlets BM. "I never met face to Memet," I'm Big
According to Big, the focus of modification on CBS Vario Memet on staining and the turn around the legs. "Basic color purple (purple). I added violet pink to give an elegant effect, "explained the father of two children.
Big just add a body kit on the front. Sepatbor, headlamp shell, left-right tebeng everything is plate. "To give effect given sweet chrome accents on the left-right. As well as in sein, "added Big.
The use of disc brakes perati Ninja 150 on the back of the changing technologies owned by this Vario. "Automatic his CBS released, was not functioning," close this Yudes husband.
Well lo? CBS appliances not so whiz Vario latest generation. This is why even removed?
Rear tire: 160/60-14 Michelin
Rims: OG Wheel
Speedometer: zero
Muffler: Big Modification
Spion: Big Modification
There are tricks or clever steps that try to spread this Jogja modifier origin. The goal to be the result of modifications to the Yamaha Mio looks remain harmonious. Harmonious in every part, not mutually oblique. Once philosophy
Recognizing that the debris in the legs are 'excessive', the body must follow. "To retreat, the rear wheels is enough reason to look long term," said Aji Rahmanto from garage Njiex's Custom (NC) this.
Aji make a retreat-retreat up to 35 cm. Custom rear rim is applied has a width of the palm 8 inches. "Long as it still fits if it's really quite extra-wide rear rim," added resident Jl. Urang times, Km 7, Yogyakarta.
After the rear wheel is installed, just deh Ajik, greeting familiar feel so strange appearance of the motor instead. "That's because the body is still the standard. So it looks oblique between the end of the body with the tire position," added the father of this child.
By reason was that, then the long tail again contrived. The addition is about 10 cm and tapered. "No damage to the framework. For just adding tail fiber spliced into the original body," added another Ajik
Choose a design such as stop lamp uses scraped from the Honda CBR150. "Hence, following the tail design. Kan is more tapered than have a Mio," he explained.
On the front is also done with a pinch of replacement Mio Soul. "More Soul sip lamp life because it is more convex. Bodi-added motor length became visible," beber man 29 this year.
Unfortunately the front and rear wheels are not or have not completed sepatbor. However, if they can be made and adjusted models, certainly will be more sip. Options exhaust feels not quite fit the theme.
Front tire: 140/70-14 Tire Deli
Rear tire: 160/60-14 Dunlop
Front rim: 3.5 inches Custom
Rear rim: Custom 8x14 inches
Exhaust: Termignoni
NC: 0857-2933-4455
There are tricks or clever steps that try to spread this Jogja modifier origin. The goal to be the result of modifications to the Yamaha Mio looks remain harmonious. Harmonious in every part, not mutually oblique. Once philosophy
Recognizing that the debris in the legs are 'excessive', the body must follow. "To retreat, the rear wheels is enough reason to look long term," said Aji Rahmanto from garage Njiex's Custom (NC) this.
Aji make a retreat-retreat up to 35 cm. Custom rear rim is applied has a width of the palm 8 inches. "Long as it still fits if it's really quite extra-wide rear rim," added resident Jl. Urang times, Km 7, Yogyakarta.
After the rear wheel is installed, just deh Ajik, greeting familiar feel so strange appearance of the motor instead. "That's because the body is still the standard. So it looks oblique between the end of the body with the tire position," added the father of this child.
By reason was that, then the long tail again contrived. The addition is about 10 cm and tapered. "No damage to the framework. For just adding tail fiber spliced into the original body," added another Ajik
Choose a design such as stop lamp uses scraped from the Honda CBR150. "Hence, following the tail design. Kan is more tapered than have a Mio," he explained.
On the front is also done with a pinch of replacement Mio Soul. "More Soul sip lamp life because it is more convex. Bodi-added motor length became visible," beber man 29 this year.
Unfortunately the front and rear wheels are not or have not completed sepatbor. However, if they can be made and adjusted models, certainly will be more sip. Options exhaust feels not quite fit the theme.
Front tire: 140/70-14 Tire Deli
Rear tire: 160/60-14 Dunlop
Front rim: 3.5 inches Custom
Rear rim: Custom 8x14 inches
Exhaust: Termignoni
NC: 0857-2933-4455
Reader Submittal! A "Collage" Of Some Pics From The Autojumble Show In The UK
Tony McGuire writes in:Hi, Here's some pics of my fantastic day out at the October 2010 Classic Bike Show And Autojumble at Stafford in the UK,Best wishes, Tony McGuire, East Yorkshire, UK. Click on the collage to get a much bigger view.
Reader Submittal! A "Collage" Of Some Pics From The Autojumble Show In The UK
Tony McGuire writes in:Hi, Here's some pics of my fantastic day out at the October 2010 Classic Bike Show And Autojumble at Stafford in the UK,Best wishes, Tony McGuire, East Yorkshire, UK. Click on the collage to get a much bigger view.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Confuse between used cars or New motorbike
This question is just for sharing only, yeah i thing some people fell confuse between buy a used car or buy a new motorbike. We know that the used car cars prices is almost same with a new motorbike, now lets talk it with your needs, do you want a cars or just a motorbike? The answer will different for people, if you have a big family, a cars is perfect for you, you can easily go anywhere with
Modifikasi Mio Djarum Black Motodify Malang
Good indeed if skutik modif this seized the title of one of the films super the newest hero of the work of the film-maker from the country of Paman Sam.
His character that futuristik with tampilan beraksen aggressive, the modification bertitel "Mio Iron Man Rod Wheel" this was claimed the creator as the creation was most original the heroes from the association club Wheel, Street. Rungkut Kidul, Surabaya. "By chance with with his film Mas and was seen by us seldom was please similar to us with the Iron Man name then", pukas Great Surya (20) one of the workshop modifiers represented the owner.
The basin super the hero (Iron Man), one of the mainstay weapons was acknowledged by the creator was located in the sector of the hands and foot-foot. With stang kastem bomber "clean" that kesemua the cable installation was massaged in an apik manner in the pipe stang, the sector foot-foot then was supported Twins Custom Suspension in front and single arms bershock dual that contradicted the rim hubbles chrome wrapped the tyre of the kind car tubles 130/60/R13 front and 140/70/R14 behind.
The beginning was completed by us the sector foot-foot previously, just double as, the Great story. Carried the style low rider, pemoloran the wheel behind then dilakoni for the sake of translated trend the strong modification was carried penggila skutik matik at this time this. With the increase in the muffler kastem apik, funnel accessories and several applications of the entertainment device; the Recvox TV, head the Audio planet unit, power Sound Stream, speaker Lighting Audio, tampilan Iron Man Rod Wheel this increasingly apik with guyuran the Red Wine paint peppermints with the effect sparkle.
uper the hero futuristik this then succeeded in snatching the title as the champion I The Best Customized Matic and the champion Ii Master of Orbital. "In fact the target won we the extreme equally Orbital now if our other category attempted, but we stayed grateful", was closed Great somewhat diplomatic to the team [ayd/timABT]
Kawasaki Ninja SS Specification Blue Ninja

Kawasaki Ninja specification SS | Blue Ninja | Review
Type: 2-stroke, crankcase reedvalve, SuperKIPS, HSASDiameter x Stroke: 59.0 x 54.4 mm
Cooling System: Cooling with water
Number & Fill Cylinder: One fruit & 148cc
Comparison of Compression: 6.8: 1
Maximum Power: 30.1 KW (30.1 PS) / 10,500 RPM
Maximum torque: 20.5 Nm / 9500 RPM
Carburetor: Keihin PWL 26
Starter system: Kick
Total Transmission: 6 speed, constant mesh, return shift
Type of primary reduction system: Gear
Reduction ratio: 3.272 (72/22)
Clutch: Wet, multi disc
Transmission type: 6-speed, constant mesh, return shift
Dental Ratio:
- 1st 2700 (27/10)
- 2nd 1706 (29/17)
- 3rd 1300 (26/20)
- 4th 1090 (24/22)
- 5th 0952 (20/21)
- 0863 6th (19/22)
Reduction ratio: 3.000 (42/14)
Overall drive ratio: 8479 @ top gear
Oil Lubrication System: Oil Injection
Side Oil Capacity: 1 liter
Oil Capacity Transmission / Engine: 0.87 liter
Exhaust / muffler: Catalic Converter
Coolant Capacity: 1.3 liters
Suspension Front: Telescopic Fork Suspension
Rear Suspension: Monoshock Suspension
Brakes Front: Twin Pot Brake Disc
Rear brake: Twin Pot Brake Disc (CW) & Drum Brake (SW)
Tires Front: 2,75-17 4PR Tube-type
Rear tires: 3,0-18 4PR Tube-type
Length x width x Height: 1955mm x 705mm x 1070mm (Cast Wheel) 1955mm x 740mm x 1035mm (Spoke Wheel)
Seat Height: 780mm
Axis Wheels distance: 1.305mm
Distance to ground: 145mm
Weight: 124.5 kg
Fill up the gas tank: 10.8 liters
Battery: 12 V 4 Ah
In connection with ongoing product development carried out, the above specifications can be changed at any time
Sunday, October 24, 2010
2011 Kawasaki Ninja 1000 Price and Specification - 2011 Kawasaki Product
Here is one of the new 2011 kawasaki motorcycles line up. That's right it's 2011 Kawasaki Ninja 1000.
2011 Kawasaki Ninja 1000 Price : MSRP$10,999
2011 Kawasaki Ninja 1000 Specification
Engine: Four-stroke, liquid-cooled, DOHC, four valves per cylinder, inline-four
Displacement : 1,043cc
Bore x Stroke : 77.0 x 56.0 mm
Compression Ratio : 11.8:1
Fuel System : DFI® with four 38mm Keihin throttle
2011 Kawasaki Ninja 1000 Price : MSRP$10,999
2011 Kawasaki Ninja 1000 Specification
Engine: Four-stroke, liquid-cooled, DOHC, four valves per cylinder, inline-four
Displacement : 1,043cc
Bore x Stroke : 77.0 x 56.0 mm
Compression Ratio : 11.8:1
Fuel System : DFI® with four 38mm Keihin throttle
2011 Ducati Superbike !! - Ducati Motorcycles
2011 Ducati Superbike come with great color, Ducati as Italian motorcycles brand has presect their new superbike motorcycles at the 2010 Intermot Cologne Show. Do you want to know more about New 2011 Ducati Superbike? Here is the information about it, taken from autoevolution.
The 2011 Streetfighter is presented with a new arctic white colour scheme while the Streetfighter S is displayed in new
The 2011 Streetfighter is presented with a new arctic white colour scheme while the Streetfighter S is displayed in new
Kawasaki Ninja 150RR Black, Green, and Red - Ninja 150RR Color
Here is the new kawasaki ninja 150rr color there are black, green, and also red. Truly, there are also oranye and blue color for Ninja 150RR, but i want to show you the most popular colors of Ninja 150 and it's available at Kawasaki Dealers that easy to find. Soll here we go..
1. Black Kawasaki Ninja 150RR
2. Red Kawasaki Ninja 150RR
3. Lime Green Kawasaki Ninja 150RR
4. Green Kawasaki Ninja
1. Black Kawasaki Ninja 150RR
2. Red Kawasaki Ninja 150RR
3. Lime Green Kawasaki Ninja 150RR
4. Green Kawasaki Ninja
Radical RD350 Custom From India.
I'm cross-posting this over from the 2-stroke blog. Te-a Writes in: Hello, My Names is Te-a, I'm from the far north east corner of India, in the city of Aizawl, Mizoram. We are a huge fan of your blog, keep it up. Heres a couple of pictures of a custom RD350, done by my brother Muansanga MSX. The frame is stock, rear suspension is from a 150cc 4-stroke Yamaha R15, tail cowling fabricated, wheels
Radical RD350 Custom From India.
I'm cross-posting this over from the 2-stroke blog. Te-a Writes in: Hello, My Names is Te-a, I'm from the far north east corner of India, in the city of Aizawl, Mizoram. We are a huge fan of your blog, keep it up. Heres a couple of pictures of a custom RD350, done by my brother Muansanga MSX. The frame is stock, rear suspension is from a 150cc 4-stroke Yamaha R15, tail cowling fabricated, wheels
Suzuki Satria No Chain
It turned out that Bali is not just great to modify the low rider scooter with the flow. This time Agung Darma, builder The 6 Pe from Denpasar presenting his works Suzuki Supermoto and you certainly do not think that the base of the duck's Suzuki Satria 120R Pacung Nang. Remarkably, transfer of power to the rear wheels do not use chains.
For the flow of road this tracker, Great use belts and pulleys to drive the rear wheels. Transfer system is more complicated because of the front gear connected to the sprocket chain is coupled with the front pulley of a given protective plate to protect them from dust and water. Then, a second sprocket mounted on the frame below.
Then, turning round to the back of larger diameter pulleys attached to the rear drum, relying v-belt. "Once the machine bergasing, first front gear pulley rotate the front wear chains with a ratio of 1:1. Then, the front pulley rotate the pulley diameter of 10 cm diameter 27 cm behind," said Agung.
Diameter of pulleys, according to club retainer GPS Bali, has been measured based on the circumference of the front and rear gear ratio is right with the engine power and weight of the motor. Hence, the motor still running good, meskipu damaged road conditions or uphill.
"Gaps in the belt pulley made about 3 mm and under tension belt tensioner stabilized Mitsubishi L300 car engine so as not to slip during the taxable belt hot, wet or dirty," said Agung.
Changing the gender of the duck so this motocross models, the framework also worked on road-style tracker for the composition is pretty good. Moreover, the chassis cradle type is already filled with waste sokbreker Yamaha YZ125 SE follows a triangle and wide handlebars HDS output.
The middle is filled body Yamaha YZ125 custom, although they had to reset the frame for the seat position and seat monosok can Kitaco center. As a result, his work was successfully champion a duck modification Bali One Heart Modification Contezt. (KR15)
Baca secara fonetik
New Engine Honda New Megapro

With a little encouragement, the standard was free! This motorcycle feels light when towed. After the ignition is turned, the tachometer directly lit. Simple machine is turned on with a single kick kick starter lever. After that, the machine which given the label "Extra Responsive Performance", 150cc, 4 stroke and SOHC, immediately greeted the drivers. Muffler sound from light. Smooth engine vibration and no longer mengoyang rearview mirror.
Only three rounds of Pro Mega feel the intimacy with this new. Very short! Yes, not yet satisfied! On the first lap, used to know the path, guided by instructors Honda Safety Riding.

The second lap, played more in the grip of gas to determine the level of excitement this Mega Pro machine. Pretty aggressive! Under a steady pull on the lap, good control. Stability at maneuvering around the corner at a speed of 30-40 km / h - although occasionally be tilted to 45 degrees - including OK!
Unfortunately, the ability to be encouraged out. Cross straight of only about 100 meters. Can only make speeding 75 km / hr.
For suspension, the New Mega Pro uses a single shock absorber Monoshock or behind. Posture motorcycles are higher. Absober steady shock strength for a single rider with a weight of 110 kg.
Shock absorber has two springs, upper and lower adjustable (hard or soft) as required rider and luggage rack. All test sessions completed in 5 minutes.
Brief conclusion, New Mega Pro offers motorcycles with the ability to master both in the city or touring. The price under the old version, makes motorcycle sport Pengemar curious. Primarily, for those who want a stylish balance between touring comfort with street fighter toughness.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
New Kawasaki Z750R - 2010-2011 Kawasaki Motorcycles
Well well.. it's time for New Kawasaki motorcycles. It's 2010-2011 New Kawasaki Z750R. It's not full fairing motorcycles, but the Kawasaki Z750 is strong enough for your daily activity, actually, a lot of people want to try full fairing motorcycles, but for Me, it's defending your needs.. both of the model is awesome..
Kawasaki Z750R considered more sporty appearance than its predecessor.
Kawasaki Z750R considered more sporty appearance than its predecessor.
2011 Suzuki GSX 600/750 - Suzuki Motorcycles
If you want to buy a new Suzuki GSX series, You should better see the New 2011 Suzuki GSX 600/750 picture below. Here is the latest picture from Suzuki Motorcycles.
The New 2011 Suzuki GSX 600/750 will be in full fairing motorcycles, it's perfect for all Suzuki motorcycles lover who want to try the new Suzuki sport bike, this Suzuki motorcycles will be release in Europe, it's for battle with
The New 2011 Suzuki GSX 600/750 will be in full fairing motorcycles, it's perfect for all Suzuki motorcycles lover who want to try the new Suzuki sport bike, this Suzuki motorcycles will be release in Europe, it's for battle with
Honda IconHonda CS-1
The example in this page. The concept ubahan him was mentioned art techno that his intention mengombinasi art designed bodi with the element hi-tech.
That not to mention the increase arm on the right of the wheel behind that was drafted joined fender roda.Oh yes, this motor results of the AP dedication of Honda Thailand. Take part in being displayed in boot they in gelaran 29th Bangkok International Motor Show that ended on last Sunday (6/4). Beside several other modifications. Nah, who knew ubahan this could be the inspiration for you that eventually will buy skutik that.
Data Spesifikasi | |
Ban dpn/blkg : | Vee Rubber Racing LS-V266, Radial Ukuran 110/90 - 12 |
Sokbreker depan : | G@zi, upside down |
Sokbreker blkg : | G@zi tipe gas |
Swing arm kanan : | Panom |
Fender roda blkg : | Panom |
Knalpot : | Custom |
Rem belakang : | Disc Brake |
Bitchen Ural Sidehack wit a touch of wanderlust.
At the moment it wouldn't be my first choice as a ride but it sure as hell wouldn't be my last. This is the kid of ride that keeps kicking around my brain. I get the feeling that if I ever rode one that I might get hooked. A week in the mountains on this with some camping gear, a fishing rod and a camera... hmmm...
Bitchen Ural Sidehack wit a touch of wanderlust.
At the moment it wouldn't be my first choice as a ride but it sure as hell wouldn't be my last. This is the kid of ride that keeps kicking around my brain. I get the feeling that if I ever rode one that I might get hooked. A week in the mountains on this with some camping gear, a fishing rod and a camera... hmmm...
Features Gilera GP 800 Corsa

Gilera GP 800 Corsa Picture - Gilera Wallpaper - Gilera Posters
Gilera GP800, was one of the funkiest, the fastest scooter around, Piaggio Group added more style, forks and Öhlins Oro Series Brembo brakes with radial mounted four piston calipers, to create the Gilera GP850 Corse. With this new, special edition scooters, Gilera is celebrating 100 years of operation and 2008 250cc world champion Marco Simoncelli GP racing.
GP 850 Corsa has inverted forks and Ohlins rear suspension, dual side mounted exhaust Crome and radial Brembo calipers are the same as model Aprilia Tuono.
Tail is more pointed than ever GP 800, and a lamp placed vertically in a horizontal series production. The front is also new and currently do not have lights, but marked with a cheap air intake that mimics the heart of the Aprilia RSV.
The GP850 Corse, which can seat two people (the back cover removed), has the same asymmetrical swingarm and chassis as that of the basic version, but the plastic bodywork has been redesigned and some bits have been added carbonfibre. A new exhaust system and twin halogen lamps excited completing small package.

GP 850 Corsa has inverted forks and Ohlins rear suspension, dual side mounted exhaust Crome and radial Brembo calipers are the same as model Aprilia Tuono.
Tail is more pointed than ever GP 800, and a lamp placed vertically in a horizontal series production. The front is also new and currently do not have lights, but marked with a cheap air intake that mimics the heart of the Aprilia RSV.
The GP850 Corse, which can seat two people (the back cover removed), has the same asymmetrical swingarm and chassis as that of the basic version, but the plastic bodywork has been redesigned and some bits have been added carbonfibre. A new exhaust system and twin halogen lamps excited completing small package.
Features Gilera GP 800 Corsa

Friday, October 22, 2010
The new "Cafe Racer" Series. Any Good?
I missed this the other night. Anyone see it? Any good or is it OCC choppers only with cafe bikes?
The new "Cafe Racer" Series. Any Good?
I missed this the other night. Anyone see it? Any good or is it OCC choppers only with cafe bikes?
Yamaha SZ-X - Specification and Pictures - 2010 Yamaha Motorcycles
Did you know about yamaha sz-x ?Well "Yamaha SZ-X" is the new Yamaha 150cc motorcycles. You can see at the Yamaha SZ-X Pictures below..
You can see that Yamaha SZ-X is more elegant than another Yamaha motorcycles variant, i mean it's like for people who love about simple motorcycles, yeah The Yamaha FZ16 is more cool for young rider and also Yamaha YZF 150. But.. now.. you have more variant from
You can see that Yamaha SZ-X is more elegant than another Yamaha motorcycles variant, i mean it's like for people who love about simple motorcycles, yeah The Yamaha FZ16 is more cool for young rider and also Yamaha YZF 150. But.. now.. you have more variant from
Yamaha Scorpio Z Pictures - New 2010 Yamaha motorcycles
Well guys.. here is yamaha scorpio pictures, this pictures taken from many source, as We know that Yamaha motorcycles has launched this bike a few months ago. So if you want to know more about new Yamaha Scorpio Z or want to buy this motorcycles, you should better check this pictures, compare the old yamaha scorpio with new yamaha scorpio z.. Let see what difference between both of this bike..
MIO Kijang Innova.
The First creation from Aboben Variasi. Mio this experienced the change in the chassis take the form of applied Canopy. Mio the type Ex- treme this had won the Cuzztomatic contest 1... Moreover... the production of this motor has been counted on thoroughly with menyeimbangkan heavy front and behind. As well as for penumpang,sudah was counted on by being spoilt like the car.. used jok SPARCO,Audio System and thicker with the car aroma take the form of used Tail Lamp Kijang Innova.
SPESIFIKASI Skutik Yamaha BW 125
SPESIFIKASI Skutik Yamaha BW 125
Yamaha BW skutik Had this come to Indonesia, he would have preferred even though the price a little high because of superior technology. Yamaha principal parties announced that the bike would land in England, the end of this April.
Motor city commuter machine is equipped with a capacity of 124 cc, four-stroke, with electronic fuel injection system and cooled engine. Injection system was able to reduce emissions and efficient in terms of fuel usage.
"Big, wide, and both wheels wearing 12-inch sizes. This ensures comfort on the highway, even run over gravel or when traction is reduced slightly. Stability is good, good traction and comfortable ride make this skutik easy to maneuver," so the statement from Yamaha Japan.
BW 125 is very comfortable to wear tandem. It was designed for the future, has a redesigned instrument panel, and trunk to put the helmet. BW 125 is marketed in combination with black and metallic white color.
Want to know the price? To the British, BW 2499 priced £ 125 or USD 34.4 million and already include tax.
Capacity of 125 cc V4 engine air cooling with a blower to cool the engine as the Honda vario, use 2 exhaust in order to maximize the power that comes out of the machine. Who deserves thumbs up is the system is not burner again but has embraced the conventional injection system, this is clearly the most advanced technology than other automatic scooter in Indonesia that still use carburetors. So the Yamaha pair of 16-bit on the engine ECU 125 BWS.
Full specs:
* Engine 4-stroke, water-cooled (fan assist), SOHC, 4-valve
* Displacement 125 cc
* Bore and Stroke 52.4 x 57.9mm
* Compression Ratio 10: 1
* Maximum Torque 1.0 kg-m (7 ft-lb.) @ 6,000 rpm
* Fuel Delivery 24mm throttle body fuel injection
* Lubrication Wet sump
* Ignition TCI / Electric Start
* Fully Automatic Transmission V-belt
* Suspension (Front) 27mm fork
* Suspension (Rear) Dual shock unit swingarm
* Brakes (Front) 220mm disc
* Brakes (Rear) Drum
* Tires (Front) 120/70-12
* Tires (Rear) 130/70-12
* Length 1.910 mm (75.2 ")
* Width 765mm (30.1 ")
* Height 1.112 mm (43.8 ")
* Wheelbase 1.290 mm (50.8 ")
* Ground Clearance 125mm (4.9 ")
* Seat Height 780mm (30.7 ")
* Dry Weight 113kg (248.6lb)
* Fuel Capacity 6 liters (1.3 Imp. Gal.)
* Wet Weight 122 kg (268.4 lb)
Yamaha BW skutik Had this come to Indonesia, he would have preferred even though the price a little high because of superior technology. Yamaha principal parties announced that the bike would land in England, the end of this April.
Motor city commuter machine is equipped with a capacity of 124 cc, four-stroke, with electronic fuel injection system and cooled engine. Injection system was able to reduce emissions and efficient in terms of fuel usage.
"Big, wide, and both wheels wearing 12-inch sizes. This ensures comfort on the highway, even run over gravel or when traction is reduced slightly. Stability is good, good traction and comfortable ride make this skutik easy to maneuver," so the statement from Yamaha Japan.
BW 125 is very comfortable to wear tandem. It was designed for the future, has a redesigned instrument panel, and trunk to put the helmet. BW 125 is marketed in combination with black and metallic white color.
Want to know the price? To the British, BW 2499 priced £ 125 or USD 34.4 million and already include tax.
Capacity of 125 cc V4 engine air cooling with a blower to cool the engine as the Honda vario, use 2 exhaust in order to maximize the power that comes out of the machine. Who deserves thumbs up is the system is not burner again but has embraced the conventional injection system, this is clearly the most advanced technology than other automatic scooter in Indonesia that still use carburetors. So the Yamaha pair of 16-bit on the engine ECU 125 BWS.
Full specs:
* Engine 4-stroke, water-cooled (fan assist), SOHC, 4-valve
* Displacement 125 cc
* Bore and Stroke 52.4 x 57.9mm
* Compression Ratio 10: 1
* Maximum Torque 1.0 kg-m (7 ft-lb.) @ 6,000 rpm
* Fuel Delivery 24mm throttle body fuel injection
* Lubrication Wet sump
* Ignition TCI / Electric Start
* Fully Automatic Transmission V-belt
* Suspension (Front) 27mm fork
* Suspension (Rear) Dual shock unit swingarm
* Brakes (Front) 220mm disc
* Brakes (Rear) Drum
* Tires (Front) 120/70-12
* Tires (Rear) 130/70-12
* Length 1.910 mm (75.2 ")
* Width 765mm (30.1 ")
* Height 1.112 mm (43.8 ")
* Wheelbase 1.290 mm (50.8 ")
* Ground Clearance 125mm (4.9 ")
* Seat Height 780mm (30.7 ")
* Dry Weight 113kg (248.6lb)
* Fuel Capacity 6 liters (1.3 Imp. Gal.)
* Wet Weight 122 kg (268.4 lb)
Mor from Hieth Montgomery. A rare and Pristine 1991 GSXR 400RR
1991 GSXR 400RR! Don see many of these and certainly not in this nice a condition. What ever happened to the 400 class.
Mor from Hieth Montgomery. A rare and Pristine 1991 GSXR 400RR
1991 GSXR 400RR! Don see many of these and certainly not in this nice a condition. What ever happened to the 400 class.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Hero Honda CBZ Motorcycles Basic engine specification
Hero Honda CBZ motorcycles, one of the Honda 150cc motorcycles, If you're one of the Honda lover and if you want to know more about Honda CBZ series, you should better check this basic engine specification, taken from wikipedia (thanks, truly.. there is New Honda CBZ series, yeah you can see at the picture,, there is Honda CBZ X-treme..
Hero Honda CBZ Motorcycles Basic engine specification
Hero Honda CBZ Motorcycles Basic engine specification
It's not Honda CBR 250 it's Honda CBR 150R
Well guys.. after a long long time, Honda finaly show to us their new sportbike for CBR series, that's right it's Honda CBR 150R, When i look the CBR 150 design, i thing it's new Honda CBR 250, but i was wrong, Honda Thailand will release this bike with name Honda CBR 150R, we are as CBR lover still waiting for Honda CBR 250, and let see it at Italia , but i thing it's very confused to know what
2010 Modification Honda Tiger>> Suzuki B-King
One more from Kieth Montgomery...
Kieth wrote in:A CB350 i built a coupla years ago that i never got to race. money... always gettin in the way of the things we love. Amen.
One more from Kieth Montgomery...
Kieth wrote in:A CB350 i built a coupla years ago that i never got to race. money... always gettin in the way of the things we love. Amen.
Reader Ride. A CR85 Motard Road Racer.
Reader Kieth Montgomery has been sending me all sorts of interesting rides. Here's what looks to be a VERY fun Honda CR85 Mini Motard.
Reader Ride. A CR85 Motard Road Racer.
Reader Kieth Montgomery has been sending me all sorts of interesting rides. Here's what looks to be a VERY fun Honda CR85 Mini Motard.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Ben Spies is Rookie of The Year in 2010 Motogp
Ben Spies is Rookie of The Year!! yeah on this 2010 Motogp, Ben Spies have a good performance, Spies, who will be the duo Yamaha team with Jorge Lorenzo next 2011 MotoGp season, becoming the only rookie and satellite rider who can win the pole and podium this season. Rider 26 years it took pole and second position in MotoGP Indianapolis.
Ben Spies as Tech 3 Yamaha rider had won Rookie of the
Ben Spies as Tech 3 Yamaha rider had won Rookie of the
Valentino Rossi and Ducati has been given permission by Yamaha to test ride at Valencia
On the next racing championship later, Valentino Rossi and Ducati has been given permission to test ride at Valencia By Yamaha, yeah it's good news for all Ducati lover and also Valentino Rossi fans. Valentino rossi has been given permission by Yamaha, this is very nice, why? to do a test ride with his new team Ducati, truly, Yamaha is nicely to Ducati and offcourse to Valentino Rossi. This
Modifikasi Suzuki Skywave
Today Go to malang. I look event motor modification For the spectator action the Suzuki With Ungu Sensation in 10 cities, definitely could be satisfied scrutinised ubahan in Skywave this. Drafted got up skubek Suzuki 125 cc this the work of Motor Platinum (the PM), Malang, East Java.
This modification house indeed the customer won contezt. Appropriate and appropriate if their work didaulat mejeng in the stage that also the introductory site to the new Suzuki slogan: Suzuki Way of Life.KLIK - Detail Motor platinum tried to unite the virus or tren that was developing. As bringing about the style low rider through efforts to stretch the wheel fuse out. The method is, certainly through increased breket or engine mounting that the distance of the wheel fuse becomes longer.
That for the wheel behind, right. Now to front, even the model was made singel the alias acted as if single. from The model that was chosen followed behind. To unified was the same CVT behind that also was in left. Like that was spied on from right, skubek Suzuki that many of his interested persons as being not guarded the suspension. Bodi kit also was affected by the moderate touch significant. Several parts bodi already ditempel beberap kit from fiberglass. Like to light and the wings. Including the cover jok also from kit that could easily was overhauled.
Ban depan Deli Tire 120/70x14
Ban belakang Deli Tire 140/70x14
Pelek depan-belakang Honda Genio
Spidometer Koso
Kaliper depan Nissin
Sok belakang Variasi
Oil-cooler Variasi
Not Motorcycle Related... But way cool.
I promised to only do this once in a while when somethig is just too cool to pass up on. Well this is one of those times. It's a type of digital performance art video. Mapping during 600 years anniversary of the astrological tower clock situated at Old Town Square in center of Prague. This is a digital projection onto the face of the actual building. Simply Stunning.The 600 Years from the
Not Motorcycle Related... But way cool.
I promised to only do this once in a while when somethig is just too cool to pass up on. Well this is one of those times. It's a type of digital performance art video. Mapping during 600 years anniversary of the astrological tower clock situated at Old Town Square in center of Prague. This is a digital projection onto the face of the actual building. Simply Stunning.The 600 Years from the
Update Request: Can the owner please contact me. A moto Morini Flattracker.
Pete Giammalvo (or anyone who may know him) if you're reading this can you please contact me. I received a request from someone to publish these pics of your bike and I'd like to put you in touch with him to work out any permissions. Thanks!Reader Pete Giammalvo sends in thise pics of what I believe to be a really cool Moto Morini flattracker. I'm also guessing that it's a 3 1/2 (or 350)
Update Request: Can the owner please contact me. A moto Morini Flattracker.
Pete Giammalvo (or anyone who may know him) if you're reading this can you please contact me. I received a request from someone to publish these pics of your bike and I'd like to put you in touch with him to work out any permissions. Thanks!Reader Pete Giammalvo sends in thise pics of what I believe to be a really cool Moto Morini flattracker. I'm also guessing that it's a 3 1/2 (or 350)
Stoner Ducati MotoGP best rider in Philip Island
Ducati MotoGP and also Stoner is the best couple between rider and motorcycles team in Philip Island Australia, a few day ago, Stoner with Ducati has be the best and the winner in this Australia motogp circuit!! Ducati MotoGP must say thanks to Stoner because, stoner always be the champion in Philip Island in the severals years, it's awesome and amazing, no other motogp rider who can beat the
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
New Honda CBR 150 - 2010 Honda Motorcycles
Finally, you can get the new honda cbr 150 !! , Yesterday, Honda Motorcycles released the new honda cbr 150 2010 - 2011 in Thailand, price estimated : 75.900 baht. New Honda CBR 150 come with new looks, more fresh and also awesome.. if you know the old CBR 150 series, you will find a lot of deference between New 2010 Honda CBR and the older CBR series. So.. What's more from new Honda CBR 150? I
Reader Ride. Some Sweet Suzuki SRAD Fighter Action
Joe Dunderdale sent in this great Streetfighter build.He writes:I thought I'd send you a few pictures of my bike.Its a 1998 GSXR 750 SRAD Street fighter, a modern interpretation of the Cafe Racer and in my opinion by definition a bike that is lighter and kicks out more power than its stock counterpart.Specs:1998 GSXR 750 SRAD FRAME2001 GSXR 1000 ENGINE, HARNESS, CLOCKS, FUEL PUMP RETROFITTED IN
Reader Ride. Some Sweet Suzuki SRAD Fighter Action
Joe Dunderdale sent in this great Streetfighter build.He writes:I thought I'd send you a few pictures of my bike.Its a 1998 GSXR 750 SRAD Street fighter, a modern interpretation of the Cafe Racer and in my opinion by definition a bike that is lighter and kicks out more power than its stock counterpart.Specs:1998 GSXR 750 SRAD FRAME2001 GSXR 1000 ENGINE, HARNESS, CLOCKS, FUEL PUMP RETROFITTED IN
Yamaha FZ16 Motorcycle From India | Review Yamaha Byson

Yamaha FZ16 motorcycle from India
Name: FZ16
Type: Commuter
Top Speed: 132kph
Fuel Consumption:
City 36.00
Fuel Consumption:
Highway 47.00
Displacement: 153cc
Engine: Water-cooled, 4-stroke, SOHC
Maximum Power: 14 Bhp @ 7500 rpm
Maximum Torque: 13.6 Nm @ 6000 rpm
Gears: 5 Manual
Clutch: Constant Wet Multi Plate
Bore: 58
Stroke: 57.9
No. of Cylinders: 1
Valve Per Cylinder: 4
Chassis Type: Diamond
Cooling Type: Air Cooling
Length: 1975.00 mm
Width: 770.00 mm
Height: 1045.00 mm
Weight: 126.00 kg
Ground Clearance: 160.00 mm
Fuel Tank: 12.00 ltrs
Wheelbase: 1335.00 mm
Headlamp: 12V35W / 35W +35 W
Wheel Type: 5 Spoke Alloys
Wheel Size: 100/60 - 140/60 mm
Colors: Lava Red, Midnight Black and Flaming Orange
Suspension (Front): Telescopic
Suspension (Rear): Motocross
Brakes: 267mm Hydraulic Disc
Brakes (Rear): Drum
Name: FZ16
Type: Commuter
Top Speed: 132kph
Fuel Consumption:
City 36.00
Fuel Consumption:
Highway 47.00
Displacement: 153cc
Engine: Water-cooled, 4-stroke, SOHC
Maximum Power: 14 Bhp @ 7500 rpm
Maximum Torque: 13.6 Nm @ 6000 rpm
Gears: 5 Manual
Clutch: Constant Wet Multi Plate
Bore: 58
Stroke: 57.9
No. of Cylinders: 1
Valve Per Cylinder: 4
Chassis Type: Diamond
Cooling Type: Air Cooling
Length: 1975.00 mm
Width: 770.00 mm
Height: 1045.00 mm
Weight: 126.00 kg
Ground Clearance: 160.00 mm
Fuel Tank: 12.00 ltrs
Wheelbase: 1335.00 mm
Headlamp: 12V35W / 35W +35 W
Wheel Type: 5 Spoke Alloys
Wheel Size: 100/60 - 140/60 mm
Colors: Lava Red, Midnight Black and Flaming Orange
Suspension (Front): Telescopic
Suspension (Rear): Motocross
Brakes: 267mm Hydraulic Disc
Brakes (Rear): Drum
Monday, October 18, 2010
Kawasaki Ninja tires - is it to small for ninja 250r?
Well guys.. a lot of people saying "130/70 tires size on Kawasaki Ninja 250r is too small" but it's the real fact. We know that Kawasaki Ninja 250R have enough good performance with 250CC of engine displacement, DOCH and also have good looks appears, but some people who love the ninja 250r thing that the kawasaki ninja tires is too small for ninja 250r, if you want to have more good looking for
Sweet 2-Stroke Cafe... Yamaha RD350
This is a cross-post from my 2-stroke board. Just too cool. Yamaha RD350 Cafe Racer. Beautiful lines.Beautiful! More Here
Sweet 2-Stroke Cafe... Yamaha RD350
This is a cross-post from my 2-stroke board. Just too cool. Yamaha RD350 Cafe Racer. Beautiful lines.Beautiful! More Here
MZ Baghira 660
I'd love to find one of these near by for a reasonable price. WAY ahead of it's time and unappreciated bike.
MZ Baghira 660
I'd love to find one of these near by for a reasonable price. WAY ahead of it's time and unappreciated bike.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Awesome Yamaha Byson / FZ 16 Video stunt, burn out, free style !!
Thanks you for people who has uploaded the new Yamaha Byson or also called Yamaha FZ 16 on Youtube.. check this out Awesome Yamaha Byson / FZ 16 Video stunt, burn out, free style !!
I hope the video still available.. have fun...
Nice yeah.. great exhaust !!
Did you know.. is it really DAYTONA racing team? i don't know..
please leave your comment if video is not showing..
I hope the video still available.. have fun...
Nice yeah.. great exhaust !!
Did you know.. is it really DAYTONA racing team? i don't know..
please leave your comment if video is not showing..
Great !! Honda CBR 125 for beginner - Honda Motorcycles
Honda CBR is almost be the most popular sport bike motorcycles in all around the world, why? it's because the power and looks appears is awesome, but i don't know what is the real fact about this. Let see.. Honda CBR 125, this is one of Honda 125cc motorcycles, Honda CBR 125 was released in 2004, and it's for complete Honda CBR series or variant, So.. what about the power of Honda CBR 125? it's
Modifikasi Motor Mio With Konsep Futuristik Eksotikor Mio
The element hi-tech and global rumours warming still was the manufacturer's automotive effective weapon of the world to jack up brand they. Proven in each automotive exhibition of the world, the war concept bike that was filled by environment-friendly future technology, always emerged. But precisely that the success was the magnet penarik thousands of visitors. Like in the site of 29th Bangkok International Motor (BIMS) Show in the building of BITEC Bang Na, Bangkok, Thailand (27/3-6/4).
His proof in the first day the exhibition was opened, thousands pengujung that filled up Stan the wheel of two was made be stunned the appearance of several concept motors. They that generally carried kamer the pocket, gak neglected the opportunity to immortalise these motors. Because of usually in some time in the future will be produced mass his manufacturer.
Although eventually tampilan the motor not be the same precisely like that was displayed. Nah, some of Stan that was quite busy were attacked by the visitor, Suzuki. His article in the main stage the manufacturer of the motor had this ‘S’, Thai Suzuki Motor Co. Ltd, as a symbol Thailand exhibited 2 skutik the concept have nuances hi-tech. His name SD-01 (the black colour) and SD-02 (white).
His design futuristik and aerodinamis through firm lines in all over the bodi was enough to hypnotise the eyes. Everything of the two motors carried the spur kitchen have a capacity small, namely 125 cc that it seems was based on Hayate 125. Only cover the exterior machine (CVT and the magnet) was designed repeated with the concept more futuristik and elegant. Antara cover the machine and fender the wheel was drafted joined.
That enough interesting was the plan setang stylish V that was carried by him. When in skutik-skutik now generally setang was covered cover, in the two concept primary schools precisely was made minimalis. Possibly followed tren in recent times. However not was significant without the indicator panel right.
The device of the machine and the speed of the round reader continued to be available, but his dimension was made as on a small scale as possible that was positioned in the middle setang. Alhasil showing setang continued to be impressed minimalis, but the outcome was more exotic.
Positioning System (GPS), MP3 and Personal Digital Asistant (PDA) was crammed in PRIMARY SCHOOL-02. All of them integrated in the indicator panel in setang. Article from The technologies actually in order to facilitates the driver during in the trip. GPS played a role as the navigation implement. Now MP3 tended for entertainment. While PDA for the GPS ease played a role as the navigation implement. Now MP3 tended for entertainment. While PDA for the communicating ease. Indeed these technologies not the new thing. Especially in the wheel vehicle of four. However in the motorcycle might be considered to be still new. So could be said was future technology for the motor.
Used Kawasaki Ninja 250R First Ride | Reviews

Used Kawasaki Ninja 250R First Ride | Reviews
Kawasaki Ninja 250R redesign plans to continue the best seller and newbie-friendly status of its predecessor. Redesign exercise is completed, Kawasaki Ninja 250R in 2008 and plans to continue the best seller status of newbie-friendly predecessor.
Zipping past an unexpected checkpoint near Tecate Border Patrol, California, we lean into a turn pinned in fourth gear tilt with tach hovering near redline on Kawasaki's best-selling sportbike. But that's not what you think. No border agents or other government officials are scrambling to run us down with a flash light because, lucky for us, Kawasaki's best-selling sportbike is the Ninja 250R.
Yes, it's not a typo. In fact, little Ninja is not only the biggest-selling sportbike for Kawasaki - it is the best-selling bike period of Japanese firms. Experiencing steady double-digit sales growth year after year, the reliable little Ninja has achieved cult status as a beginner sportbike in the U.S. of A. And as we found in the press release of San Diego recently, a redesigned 2008 Kawasaki Ninja 250R isn 't just a "little Ninja that could," was "little Ninja that do things better than the way they should. "
Ninja unexpected success story began 250 years when entering the U.S. market in 1986 - with the design has not changed since the 1988 model year. Now, although not per se a bad year, 1988 saw Phil Collins' Groovy Kind of Love top the music charts. The point that could change the taste in the past two decades. On that note, the weakness of one of the most striking Ninja 250 is the styling that date.
We are happy to report that the 250's ancient old line has been eliminated - much like Phil Collins's career '. All-new bodywork decorate the little Ninja, and like a good fake ID, it looks like removing a larger sibling to the ZX at first sight. The fairing bodywork swept back to the tail of a clean, like a brother SupersPort and Superbike. A hood accessory seats, available for $ 99, can replace the standard passenger seat, further enhancing the 250's sporty appearance. Also tied to the sporty lines are single-side upswept 2-into-1 exhaust, which replaces the dual cans 98-07 models. And if you missed its intention to imitate the bigger Ninjas, "250" is absent from the logo of the new bodywork graphics.

A glance at the little Ninja and easy to mistake for a bigger brother who SupersPort.
A glance at the little Ninja and easy to mistake for a bigger brother who SupersPort. The all-new bodywork and styling on the '08 bike is a significant improvement over its predecessor dates.
Year 2008 far from the only cosmetic changes, however, with some revisions Ninja 248cc sports for a liquid-cooled Parallel Twin. Although still have a 62 x 41.2mm bore and stroke, Kawi reps claim changes to 70% of the machine. Internal modifications include reshaped intake and exhaust ports, a more compact combustion chamber, thinner valve heads in addition to new camshafts and tensioner camchain. Other enhancements are a more efficient cooling system, with a redesigned Denso radiator and reduces fan noise fixed-cold 250 runs.
fuel injection will be included on the European version of the '08 Ninja 250 to meet Euro 3 emissions, but to keep the cost down U.S. models retain a pair of Keihin carbs CVK30. Kawasaki Research Open "price / deal offered" as concerns over an American rider's decision to buy 250 small - only bicycles Kawi's lineup where price is a major concern. Without FI, a choke lever in the leftside switchgear.
In terms of real world performance, the little Ninja engine is a scrapper. Far from calm to 250, Kawi claims internal mods increase low and mid-range pop. From what we remember from the old 250, this is true, but the extra juice in lower revs not destroy the earth and more often than not the rider is wringing the throttle to stop the Ninja, hovering near the 13k redline indicated. In fact, we can not recall a bike we rode so often pinned to full throttle since, well, the old Ninja 250. Although there is no horsepower figures are released, spec sheet claims in torque show the new Kawi dipping 1.9 pounds-ft in peak production at 16.2 lb-ft at 9500 rpm.

Turning the 2008 Kawasaki Ninja 250R is easy.
The new Ninja 250R is powered once again by the high-revving Twin, with riders winding out the throttle to the redline 13,000 from end to end.
In urban settings, high-revving Twin is more than enough and is a good commuter. Winding country backroads are also suitable for Ninja 250's tastes. To run a task on Interstate, however, we did not find one area of concern. Accustomed to the raw passing power of 600 or 1000, cracking the throttle open at 250 does not provide a direct blast to get through the 18-wheeled laggard on these superslab. When we ventured out of San Diego on I-5 toward Highway 94, it is necessary to shift to keep the revs high and get the acceleration of the fastest route changes. The Ninja can still scoot around slower obstacles, but motorists need to use more than usual warnings by planning ahead and bringing momentum to slingshot past.
On the positive side of the equation, throttle diluted keep motorists out of trouble. Stable acceleration more than acceptable for most situations and maybe even ride better for beginners - which, after all, the real target for this bike.
As we said earlier from the Ninja 250 when we won in 2006 Newbie Comparo, this bike riders do not give enough rope to hang themselves. Of course, up 250 does not remove the danger inherent in the motor, but a very forgiving mount. When newb who hit a hole on the 250 and slips the throttle to full blast, they will get a scare, but fine. Compare this to / stupid who hop on a brave ZX-10R, or ZX-14 as their first motorcycle and accidentally blip the throttle only to end up picking them yourself from the asphalt to wonder a) where their bike went and b) where they could change their pants.
At the same speed of 250 Ninja welcome. In the things that tight winding super light and compact bike is a scalpel in which larger machines broadswords.
If you want a rough rule, stick with 1000cc, but if you want fun ride where you actually ride bikes maximally, the Ninja 250R is perfect.
While power delivery on the Ninja is tolerant, the new 6-speed gearbox which is lighter than Britney Spears chaperoning Vegas bachelorette party. Even when we tried to confuse an idiot-proof system with some intentionally ludicrous downshifts, the transmission gear changes Ninja's handle with extreme care reprimand rather than rear-wheel restrictions. The new, more durable clutch provides smooth engagement - one would have a difficult time transmission pregnant better to submit to a green rider.
The idea is often held that much more fun riding a bike slower faster than a fast bike slow is often mocked. But there is a statement of truth, especially on public roads. Unless you want the license revoked and cut into a million pieces, the ZX-10R can not be mastered to its limits anywhere other than horse racing, and even then, unless your last name Hacking or Hayden, you do not get it all bike. However, almost everyone can ride the Ninja 250R has the potential, which makes it an absolute blast.
Handling on the Ninja is a revelation. Although the new model has added a surprising 29 pounds to the weight of 333 pounds claimed dry, Ninja is still super slender and feels quite light. The ride is our last Kawasakis ZX-14 and Concours, so believe us when we say the Ninja a little easier to navigate in the parking lot. For beginners wiping feet, 250 would be a treat.
At the same speed of 250 Ninja welcome. In this case, tight winding super light and compact bike is a scalpel where larger machines are broadswords. Side-to-side transitions are ridiculously quick and our journo test crew has about 250 out of throwing the ball California Highway 94 just north of the Mexican border. Like a swarm of killer bees, our 250 hoard mobbed the desert valley with a mischievous, buzzing exhaust notes bounce in our ears.
Changes to the ride including the handlebars raised position and ergos high chair but will not be difficult for shorter riders.
Changes to the position including the handlebars raised up and the chairs, but high ergos will not be difficult for shorter riders.
Lightweight, slim and low on the ground, Ninja 250R sports a redesigned chassis with all new suspension components. 37mm Showa fork, which replaces the 36mm unit, has revised settings but is still non-adjustable. A single KYB rear shock is now five-way adjustable for preload, replacing its predecessor non-adjustable. New units do an effective job, but at 210 pounds I feel about 30 - 40 pounds too heavy for the front end. That said, my non-ideal BMI never bottomed out the fork, which we recall occurred on an older machine. So, overall, the suspension changes is a definite improvement.
Steering geometry has been altered, with rake angle decreased from 27 to 26 degrees even. But the most important improvement for the Ninja is moving upward for 17-inch wheels, which replaced the old 16-inch unit. With wider rims the six-spoke wheels just supports a lower profile modern tires and is a major contributor to improving the handling. Yes, it was still a small engine, but the new Ninja feels like a big bike on the road, less any skittishness in the corners.
Ninja 250 riding position has been tweaked, a little sporty than '07 but still provide good upright stance. Stang has been raised high, and reach to the bar fit for us. The footpegs felt cramped for this tester's 6'1 frame ", but the neutral ergos figure to be right on par for entry-level riders - Kawasaki research indicates 62% of Ninja owners are first time buyers, with one third of the owners that come from sex fairer.
The front single 290mm petal-style rotors with two-piston caliper effective enough to carry 333-lb Ninja admitted stopped.
The front single 290mm petal-style rotors with two-piston caliper effective enough to carry 333-lb Ninja admitted stopped.
Although raised by 1.2 inch, slim 30.5-inch seat still allows easy reach to the ground. Even the shortest in our test group can tip-toe around without trouble. Established a 32-inch flat-footed inseam had us straddling perched slightly forward-sloping with a few inches to spare. One small complaint is that after 100-mile ride behind us stiff. On the plus side, however, the protection provided by the new windshield is a pleasant surprise.
Also new for 2008 is a single 290mm front and 220mm petal-style rotors rear with dual-piston calipers. Join together the new brakes are quite effective and Ninja several simulated emergency stop further enhance our confidence in the little Ninja efficient braking performance.
250's new instrument console now features an analog speedo in the middle of a larger position, flanked by an analog tach and fuel gague (previous models had been taking center stage tach). However, major changes to display an indicator of the new fuel, which replaces the old temperature gauge and track the 4.8-gallon tank. We seem to go through the tank fast enough during our trip in the intro to '08 bikes, but the fuel economy figures somewhere in the 50-60 mpg range we observed during our previous Ninja 250 test, which covers more than 200 miles range. Quality mirrors complement the impressive view behind the controls and even a large rider's elbow was blocking half the inside view, they are better than the previous unit.
One of the greatest aspects of the previous 250 is an amazing value. At $ 2,999 it is the best deal out there. The new and improved Ninja has raised the asking price by 500 dollars, but still an incredible offer of 250 when compared with rival companies.
Is playbike city commuter or cheap weekend fun yet trackbike - 2008 Kawasaki Ninja 250R is a great bang for the money.
Is commuter town, weekends or cheap but fun playbike trackbike - 2008 Kawasaki Ninja 250R is a great bang for the money.
With little direct competition and a package, attractive smooth, we see no reason why Ninja 250R will not continue such a huge success. Kawasaki is hoping as much, with the enthusiastic response of dealers in 250's September debut. In fact, Kawasaki admitted having trouble getting enough of the Ninja-Thailand built on the shores of the United States to meet the demand of dealers.
The only surprise about the Ninja 250 would be if it does not continue its reputation as the best-selling book. Too often we want bigger, faster and more powerful over practical, affordable and simple. Press equal guilt, if not involved in prejudice, but the point is that if you are riding Ninja 250R and not having fun, the problem lies with the rider, not a machine.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Nifty Little BSA Tracker..
I shot this at Riding Into History Lat year. I still have a lot of great shots from that event I'm yet to post. But you can see them all in mu "links to complete albums" section up top.
Nifty Little BSA Tracker..
I shot this at Riding Into History Lat year. I still have a lot of great shots from that event I'm yet to post. But you can see them all in mu "links to complete albums" section up top.
Rick Peters and I have been having a back and forth on this bike for a while now. I've been holding off posting it till he was closer to done and I think he's close enough now that I can put some shots up. Rick I'd still like to see some before pics if you get a chance so i can add them to the post. I like it a lot! The paint job is the bomb and those rims must have takes some serious mods to
Rick Peters and I have been having a back and forth on this bike for a while now. I've been holding off posting it till he was closer to done and I think he's close enough now that I can put some shots up. Rick I'd still like to see some before pics if you get a chance so i can add them to the post. I like it a lot! The paint job is the bomb and those rims must have takes some serious mods to
Mahindra Cevalo 125cc - Mahindra Motorcycles
Well well.. Here is Mahindra Cevalo 125cc come in from Mahindra Motorcycles. First, when i saw this bike on the picture, the Mahindra Cevalo 125cc looks like the light sport bike from Bajaj, the Bajaj Pulsar 135LC. But.. let see what is Mahindra Cevalo 125cc. Cevalo 125 is entry motorcycles from Mahindra motorcycles, with 125cc of engine displacement and also air cooled, the transmission used 5
2010 Honda CBR 600RR - Honda Motorcycles Australia
The Honda lover will know about Honda CBR series, today i want to share about 2010 Honda CBR 600RR from Honda Australia Motorcycles. Honda CBR600RR is one of the best middle sportbike from Honda, it's mean you can easy ride this bike, but of course you must have skill to ride the middle sportbike class in 600cc. If you live in Australia, you can buy the 2010 Honda CBR 600RR in Honda Motorcycles
Friday, October 15, 2010
Kawasaki Ninja 150R / KRR L M N Price - Update 2010 October
Here is the last update from kawasaki ninja 150r price, need the latest prices from kawasaki ninja series, here they are. i want to share prices for new series ninja 150CC, truly Kawasaki Ninja 150R have another name and here they are: kawasaki ninja 150 l, kawasaki ninja 150 m. and also kawasaki ninja 150 n, and of course the ninja 150 rr with full body fairing.
Here is the new ninja r or ninja
Here is the new ninja r or ninja
Ninja RR The Best 2 stroke Kawasaki 150cc Motorcycles
I don't have another words to say for this Kawasaki motorcycles series i just want to tell you that ninja rr is the phenomenal 2 stroke bike !! That's is the truth.. Kawasaki 150cc motorcycles is one of the best motorcycles for speed freak, it's very fast motorcycles, until now, in some country, this ninja rr series or also we can called zx150 KRR still the best for fastest motorcycles category,
SPESIFIKASI Honda Blade Tampil Lebih Sporty
SPESIFIKASI Honda Blade Tampil Lebih Sporty
PT Astra Honda Motor (AHM) today re-launched its newest product. This time seepda motorcycle manufacturer Honda Blade Honda is launching a new look more sporty.
Trend growth motorcycle market, followed by intense competition in the segment of 125 cc cub makes Honda want to remain dominated by presenting the new models.
Honda Blade is now equipped with new front fenders that give the impression of sporty. In addition, color body and striping also new so that the overall
Honda Blade appearance, especially editions of the same color with Repsol Racing MotoGP race bike, looks more aggressive.
With this new look Honda Blade is projected to meet the desire of young people aged 17-22 years and those young at heart, as well as strengthen the image of Honda as a motorcycle Blade young people.
"We expect this new look will fulfill the desire that young people
want a sporty-looking duck motor, and can be accepted by many young people in Indonesia, "said Director of Marketing AHM Kojiro Iguchi, in a release received Legal, Friday (10/15/2010).
New Honda Blade will be available from mid October 2010 with a sales target of 16,000 units per month. Honda's latest duck It comes with four new color options, namely Speed Black, Winning Red, White Laser
Everything is priced at Rp13.8 million on the road in Jakarta and while for the screen as a color Black Orange Repsol Racing Edition price Rp13.9 million on the road in Jakarta.
PT Astra Honda Motor (AHM) today re-launched its newest product. This time seepda motorcycle manufacturer Honda Blade Honda is launching a new look more sporty.
Trend growth motorcycle market, followed by intense competition in the segment of 125 cc cub makes Honda want to remain dominated by presenting the new models.
Honda Blade is now equipped with new front fenders that give the impression of sporty. In addition, color body and striping also new so that the overall
Honda Blade appearance, especially editions of the same color with Repsol Racing MotoGP race bike, looks more aggressive.
With this new look Honda Blade is projected to meet the desire of young people aged 17-22 years and those young at heart, as well as strengthen the image of Honda as a motorcycle Blade young people.
"We expect this new look will fulfill the desire that young people
want a sporty-looking duck motor, and can be accepted by many young people in Indonesia, "said Director of Marketing AHM Kojiro Iguchi, in a release received Legal, Friday (10/15/2010).
New Honda Blade will be available from mid October 2010 with a sales target of 16,000 units per month. Honda's latest duck It comes with four new color options, namely Speed Black, Winning Red, White Laser
Everything is priced at Rp13.8 million on the road in Jakarta and while for the screen as a color Black Orange Repsol Racing Edition price Rp13.9 million on the road in Jakarta.
MODIFIKASI Honda CS1 | Rombak Tampang
MODIFIKASI Honda CS1 | Rombak Tampang
In addition to presenting "clothes" for Honda's new Blade, PT Astra Honda Motor (AHM) also presents CS1 with new faces.
The presence of this brand-new Honda CS1 is believed to further strengthen the market penetration of AHM in motor sport in the country. "Indonesian motorcycle market is rapidly growing and diverse consumer demand makes AHM make refreshment of the look Honda CS1", Tulsi official statement received AHM Legal, Friday (15/10/2010).
Honda CS1 comes with a unique character because it was developed by combining the convenience of motor duck and sporty elements such as good acceleration and display of motor sport.
Upright machine with a capacity of 125 cc plus 5 manual transmission makes this motor provides power and speed of the best in its class. Moreover, this motor is also equipped with a liquid cooled engine which makes not easy to heat.
The existence of shock absorber Monoshock system make Honda CS1 comfortable and easy when used to maneuver, let alone supported by a brake disc braking system on the front and rear. Another feature that makes Honda CS1 speedometer superior is an easy read because it has implemented a fully digital system.
Currently, AHM provides a new look at the CS1 to the concept of two tone body color. The interface is strengthened with new stripping design a more sharp and expressive, so strengthening the sporty character of this model. Honda CS1 comes with 3 new color options: Black Stallion (Black), Colt Red (Red-Black), and Mustang Silver (Violet-Silver).
Honda CS1 marketed at a price Rp17.1 million on the road in Jakarta with the main target boys and young men aged 20-25 years, students, and novice workers, active, trendy, stylish and always want to look stylish.
In addition to presenting "clothes" for Honda's new Blade, PT Astra Honda Motor (AHM) also presents CS1 with new faces.
The presence of this brand-new Honda CS1 is believed to further strengthen the market penetration of AHM in motor sport in the country. "Indonesian motorcycle market is rapidly growing and diverse consumer demand makes AHM make refreshment of the look Honda CS1", Tulsi official statement received AHM Legal, Friday (15/10/2010).
Honda CS1 comes with a unique character because it was developed by combining the convenience of motor duck and sporty elements such as good acceleration and display of motor sport.
Upright machine with a capacity of 125 cc plus 5 manual transmission makes this motor provides power and speed of the best in its class. Moreover, this motor is also equipped with a liquid cooled engine which makes not easy to heat.
The existence of shock absorber Monoshock system make Honda CS1 comfortable and easy when used to maneuver, let alone supported by a brake disc braking system on the front and rear. Another feature that makes Honda CS1 speedometer superior is an easy read because it has implemented a fully digital system.
Currently, AHM provides a new look at the CS1 to the concept of two tone body color. The interface is strengthened with new stripping design a more sharp and expressive, so strengthening the sporty character of this model. Honda CS1 comes with 3 new color options: Black Stallion (Black), Colt Red (Red-Black), and Mustang Silver (Violet-Silver).
Honda CS1 marketed at a price Rp17.1 million on the road in Jakarta with the main target boys and young men aged 20-25 years, students, and novice workers, active, trendy, stylish and always want to look stylish.
MODIFIKASI Ferrari Bikin Motor Tiga Roda
MODIFIKASI Ferrari Bikin Motor Tiga Roda
Ferrari also make a good motorcycle tricycle. Eeiit ... wait a minute. Vehicle you see is not made from the Prancing Horse's headquarters, but the creativity of a man from Yokohama, Japan, which has transformed into a Ferrari Suzuki Hayabusa Trike.
He did not mention the name of the modifier, but his work was to answer this question for a convicted person if moge Suzuki is not good if modified. In fact, Ferrari would not want to appreciate the creativity that is similar to Ferrari's racing cars.
The resemblance is not just from Rosso Corsa paint color. Notice that given sepatbor front wing. So is the back. Then, snout F1 applied to the front lights that are attached to the shield.
Three-wheeled vehicle has not been tested so it can not be explained details about power, maximum speed, and acceleration 0-100 km / hour. Including changes to the engine and the legs.
Ferrari Party saw this gives appreciation and have spoken with modifikator, okay. It's just a matter of mass production is not given the green light from the headquarters in Italy, let alone sell it. However, Ferrari was already mejeng Trike at the Tokyo Motor Show last year.
Ferrari also make a good motorcycle tricycle. Eeiit ... wait a minute. Vehicle you see is not made from the Prancing Horse's headquarters, but the creativity of a man from Yokohama, Japan, which has transformed into a Ferrari Suzuki Hayabusa Trike.
He did not mention the name of the modifier, but his work was to answer this question for a convicted person if moge Suzuki is not good if modified. In fact, Ferrari would not want to appreciate the creativity that is similar to Ferrari's racing cars.
The resemblance is not just from Rosso Corsa paint color. Notice that given sepatbor front wing. So is the back. Then, snout F1 applied to the front lights that are attached to the shield.
Three-wheeled vehicle has not been tested so it can not be explained details about power, maximum speed, and acceleration 0-100 km / hour. Including changes to the engine and the legs.
Ferrari Party saw this gives appreciation and have spoken with modifikator, okay. It's just a matter of mass production is not given the green light from the headquarters in Italy, let alone sell it. However, Ferrari was already mejeng Trike at the Tokyo Motor Show last year.
MODIFIKASI Honda Tiger 1997
MODIFIKASI Honda Tiger 1997
WJS Flow aka West Java Style is continue to bloom in Central Java lap. Minor modifications fighter who popularized by Agus Djanuar of XK Bike Design has also begun spreading in the city of Bogor's Rain.
Like Honda's Lucky Tiger ZM, through workshops Dave Motor Concept (DMC) in Sawangan, Depok try to offer the concept of minor fighter. "Owners want to show the streetfighter motorcycle elegant not too many corners," said Budi Dave as a modifier.
Hence design of the tank has a dimension that is not too slim. In fact, arguably tend to be somewhat large. With the rear tail model of selfish enough only one passenger. The model is also more rounded tail not much bending
Typical modifications DMC entire body of work relies on 0.8 mm thick galvanized plate. Metal plate is then cut to the mall that was made using cardboard material. Much like a pattern on fabric and then stitched or jointed welding flame.
The process of forming the framework starts from the deltabox. "I deltabox paste in the middle order let the spirit of Tiger streetfihter more obvious," said builder who subscribed contezt down in the event this modif.
Design deltabox follow the contour of the tank. Created from a direct plate affixed to the bottom frame section komstir and Tiger. While deltabox bottom formed over backwards accidentally. The goal let stand Footstep more back, "said Budi.
While the body design is urun consultation between the modifier with the owner of the motor. So, you could say this design is not affected from the existing motor. "We made sketches of his wrote. The important body so it looks simple and fit the bike," said Budi.
Design of the rear body was shaped like a typical streetfighter. Frame sub frame built bike as a crutch standard seat must be removed until the base of the middle frame. Instead of relying on a new pipe made tubular pipe. "The length is only half the rear tires. So the rear body is made single sitter," explained Budi again.
Sector legs are so reliable. For that, throughout this section are reliably removable moge waste from older model Honda CBR400. Starting from the suspension, complete with pretentious front triangle and the rim.
Hence quasi-telescopic front still has not selected models upside down. Suitable same taste Lucky who really want to look stylish range made by moge naked 80's era.
It also affects the selection of the rear swing arm. Deliberately allowed to remain stuck in the frame. This is still the original Tiger. Has not made a condom which has a design like the current swing arm moge. "But, really fit the motor so it looks more frightening," said the curly-haired builder who only add sepatbor on arm swing.
Once installed fairing, the view is now indeed become more muscular. Though the application was just cover the bottom of the machine. Sweet coupled with a radiator that only serves as a patch. "No function is, just limited to aesthetics. Also let the center become more muscular," explained the father of this Dave.
Design head lamp headlamp removable rely moge variation. Let me look so much more sweet, just as an accent lamp cover. Not allowed to cover all parts of the lamp. "The model is designed as windshiled. Let more frightening anymore, taped six bolts L as a detail," proud builder of this slender.
Front tire: 120/70-17 Metzeler
Rear tire: Battlax 160/55-17
Monosok: Honda CBR400
Swng-arm: Honda CBR400
Handlebars: Fatbar
DMC: (021) 68447990
WJS Flow aka West Java Style is continue to bloom in Central Java lap. Minor modifications fighter who popularized by Agus Djanuar of XK Bike Design has also begun spreading in the city of Bogor's Rain.
Like Honda's Lucky Tiger ZM, through workshops Dave Motor Concept (DMC) in Sawangan, Depok try to offer the concept of minor fighter. "Owners want to show the streetfighter motorcycle elegant not too many corners," said Budi Dave as a modifier.
Hence design of the tank has a dimension that is not too slim. In fact, arguably tend to be somewhat large. With the rear tail model of selfish enough only one passenger. The model is also more rounded tail not much bending
Typical modifications DMC entire body of work relies on 0.8 mm thick galvanized plate. Metal plate is then cut to the mall that was made using cardboard material. Much like a pattern on fabric and then stitched or jointed welding flame.
The process of forming the framework starts from the deltabox. "I deltabox paste in the middle order let the spirit of Tiger streetfihter more obvious," said builder who subscribed contezt down in the event this modif.
Design deltabox follow the contour of the tank. Created from a direct plate affixed to the bottom frame section komstir and Tiger. While deltabox bottom formed over backwards accidentally. The goal let stand Footstep more back, "said Budi.
While the body design is urun consultation between the modifier with the owner of the motor. So, you could say this design is not affected from the existing motor. "We made sketches of his wrote. The important body so it looks simple and fit the bike," said Budi.
Design of the rear body was shaped like a typical streetfighter. Frame sub frame built bike as a crutch standard seat must be removed until the base of the middle frame. Instead of relying on a new pipe made tubular pipe. "The length is only half the rear tires. So the rear body is made single sitter," explained Budi again.
Sector legs are so reliable. For that, throughout this section are reliably removable moge waste from older model Honda CBR400. Starting from the suspension, complete with pretentious front triangle and the rim.
Hence quasi-telescopic front still has not selected models upside down. Suitable same taste Lucky who really want to look stylish range made by moge naked 80's era.
It also affects the selection of the rear swing arm. Deliberately allowed to remain stuck in the frame. This is still the original Tiger. Has not made a condom which has a design like the current swing arm moge. "But, really fit the motor so it looks more frightening," said the curly-haired builder who only add sepatbor on arm swing.
Once installed fairing, the view is now indeed become more muscular. Though the application was just cover the bottom of the machine. Sweet coupled with a radiator that only serves as a patch. "No function is, just limited to aesthetics. Also let the center become more muscular," explained the father of this Dave.
Design head lamp headlamp removable rely moge variation. Let me look so much more sweet, just as an accent lamp cover. Not allowed to cover all parts of the lamp. "The model is designed as windshiled. Let more frightening anymore, taped six bolts L as a detail," proud builder of this slender.
Front tire: 120/70-17 Metzeler
Rear tire: Battlax 160/55-17
Monosok: Honda CBR400
Swng-arm: Honda CBR400
Handlebars: Fatbar
DMC: (021) 68447990
Low riders are proven to be one of style is quite timeless modif make skubek. Fans never subsided. Including Ikhya Ulumuddin, bikers Cikarang, West Java.
Grade 3 SMU 1 Sukatani, Cikarang is manifest interest in modifications to the Yamaha Mio 2004 flagship.
"The idea and design to make motor like this all from me. The friends helped build the club from Retroholic Cikarang (RHC). I also happen to its members, "honest.
To reinforce the impression of low rider, as usual, the most dominant change is in the legs. Custom rims and tires Toyota Supra 185/55X14 size, so the choice. Sure to outsmart the engine mounting design which is adjusted in length. "tolerable harmonious, mounted behind a Jupiter MX pretentious," he explained.
Scroll to about the design of the handlebars. The guy who used to be called Ulum this, choose the style Jap's style, combined headlight mere puppet in the front.
One of the aesthetic power of choice is a matter of election Ulum skubek flagshipscreen for this. "More colors taken from the Suzuki Swift. Because I wanted to see the calm motor, "continued the man who also boned this calm.
Handlebars: Variations
Speedometer: zero
Muffler: Custom
Tires Front: 120/70 Swallow
Front rim: 5.5 inches Custom
Body paint: Burgundy Pearl
Low riders are proven to be one of style is quite timeless modif make skubek. Fans never subsided. Including Ikhya Ulumuddin, bikers Cikarang, West Java.
Grade 3 SMU 1 Sukatani, Cikarang is manifest interest in modifications to the Yamaha Mio 2004 flagship.
"The idea and design to make motor like this all from me. The friends helped build the club from Retroholic Cikarang (RHC). I also happen to its members, "honest.
To reinforce the impression of low rider, as usual, the most dominant change is in the legs. Custom rims and tires Toyota Supra 185/55X14 size, so the choice. Sure to outsmart the engine mounting design which is adjusted in length. "tolerable harmonious, mounted behind a Jupiter MX pretentious," he explained.
Scroll to about the design of the handlebars. The guy who used to be called Ulum this, choose the style Jap's style, combined headlight mere puppet in the front.
One of the aesthetic power of choice is a matter of election Ulum skubek flagshipscreen for this. "More colors taken from the Suzuki Swift. Because I wanted to see the calm motor, "continued the man who also boned this calm.
Handlebars: Variations
Speedometer: zero
Muffler: Custom
Tires Front: 120/70 Swallow
Front rim: 5.5 inches Custom
Body paint: Burgundy Pearl
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